Code of Conduct
Ticonderoga Golf Course
PO Box 27
Ticonderoga, NY 12883
April 15, 2021
Mission Statement:
The Ticonderoga Golf Course (TGC) provides access to golf for players of all standards in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere that does not discriminate on the grounds of gender, age, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or disability. Our permit holders’ needs are prioritized first and foremost. Guests and visitors are welcomed to enjoy the course, restaurant, bar, and catering services.
Code of Conduct Introduction:
The intention of this document is to establish clear and acceptable behavior expectations for TGC permit holders and guests. It is not intended to restrict the rights of anyone, but rather to ensure that all permit holders and guests can expect to be treated with respect while enjoying TGC and its clubhouse. TGC deems that upon payment of permitting fees or green fees, permit holders and guests have given their consent to be bound by both the restrictions and penalties imposed by this code of conduct.
All members and guests shall:
- Conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner in all sporting activities, observing all applicable rules, and standards of etiquette and fair play.
- Respect the rights of others, and not harass or threaten, verbally, physically or otherwise abuse or retaliate against any permit holder, family member, guest, or staff member.
- Not engage in any form of sexual, racial, or religious discrimination or harassment
- Be responsible for ensuring that their own behavior and that of their family members and guests complies with this code of conduct and all other applicable TGC bylaws, policies, USGA and local rules, regulations, dress codes, parking restrictions, and other instructions.
- Respect the golf course, golf carts, and facilities.
- Take pride in the physical appearance of the Ticonderoga Golf Course as it is reflective of you as a permit holder.
- Dispose of trash appropriately
- Repair your divots and ball marks properly and promptly, and then some others
- Rake the bunker after your shot
- Let faster players play through
- Adhere to all club rules (non-all inclusive list below)
- Sign in procedures in the Golf Shop
- Rental and safe operation of carts in designated areas only
- Seeking staff approval for starting on hole number 10
- Obeying all signage on the golf course
- Take your time, but not too much
- Not conduct themselves in any rude or immoral manner, including the use of profane language, gestures, insults or other such misbehavior. Losing the match can be frustrating, but losing your cool is significantly worse.
- Abide by all state and local laws and regulations. Possession of weapons and/or controlled substances, as defined by Federal and New York State laws, are strictly prohibited on TGC property.
- Regarding bringing alcoholic beverages on to TGC property: NYS Liquor Authority regulations are very clear, and prohibit consumption of alcoholic beverages that were not purchased either from the TGC Clubhouse or on the golf course grounds. This is NOT a local rule. Bringing alcoholic beverages to the golf course is in violation of New York State Liquor Authority statute, and violators place themselves and the golf course at risk for fines and potential loss of liquor license. All permit holders and guests are required to abide by this NY State law.
- Know that staff will enforce these rules as seen and reported. The most effective efforts to enforce these rules are those made among peers on the course. To the extent that each member assumes personal responsibility for their conduct, as well as their fellow competitors while on the course, the entire golf experience for all members will be enhanced.
- Be an ambassador for TGC when out in the community or at other clubs. We are all representatives of TGC.
- Only play with permission from a TGC golf professional during the offseason.
Golfer Dress Code – Permit holders and Guests:
- Shirts must have collars or be specifically designed for golf. Men’s shirts should not be sleeveless.
- Women’s slacks, shorts, skirts, and skorts are acceptable.
- Men’s slacks and shorts are acceptable. No denim permitted.
- Footwear – Athletic shoes, golf shoes or dress shoes should be worn. Golf shoes with metal spikes are prohibited. Golf shoes with soft spikes are not allowed in the upstairs restaurant.
Resolution of Violations to the Ticonderoga Golf Course Code of Conduct
- Should a violation take place, it will be put on the agenda of the next Board of Directors meeting.
- In all cases, should there be damage to property, monetary restitution will be mandatory to maintain the permit holder’s golfing permit.
- During board member discussion of the violation, the Board of Directors shall offer the permit holder an opportunity to state their case.
- After consideration of the violation, the Board of Directors will determine the extent of the penalty, which may include temporary or complete loss of permit or playing privileges, either permanently or for a fixed duration of time.
All questions and comments should be directed to the TGC Pro Shop.